To Make Riders Faster receives Best Business book award.
The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest international book awards program for indie authors and independent publishers.
To Make Riders Faster receives Best Business book award.
The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest international book awards program for indie authors and independent publishers.
I was interested in the book partly because I own a Cervélo and respect the brand, but also because I worked for the company that distributed the bikes in the UK for a few years, and had experienced some of the story from further along the distribution chain. I wondered if the book would try to gloss over some of the difficulties within the company that I had observed (and which many of you will have endured as a customer): in short, it doesn't. In fact, it is remarkable just how open and honest Dopico has been. Throughout the book one is reminded of how little can separate success or failure: with different decisions, luck, or timing, the Cervélo story could have been very different.